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05/28/23 10:35 AM #972    


James A "Jim" White

Fun and Music for New Mexico and So. Colorado classmates. Kathy and I are at the Wines of the San Juan in far NW New Mexico (60-miles south of Durango). Hence, during the 10 days we will be here, we (and YOU) have two chances to see '67 classmate, JERRY ROBBINS, perform. Care to Join us? Come listen to his "Easy Rock," music you will have memory hooks on and Love.

Thursday - June 1 - 6:30-8:30 p.m. - at County Line (ABQ Restaurant/Lounge)

Right now I have a 50% chance of being able to make it myself. However, many Albuquerque and Santa Fe classmates can make it. Even Roswell classmates can drive up to Albuquerque and stay with Tiny, Doreen or Karen ... then hang around and come see Jerry's Saturday performance at the Wines of the San Juan. If you plan to attend, please call me (206) 999-3154 so we can have a headcount and reserve a table.

Saturday - June 3rd - 3:30-5:30 p.m. - Wines of the San Juan (Blanco, NM)

Mary Husemoller, if you are in Durango and not California, you are required to come to the Winery. We have missed you two here. The good news is you can listen to music and dance and still be back home before dark. Any classmates care to come sit in the shade by the pond and sip on Wine or other beverage (alcohol and non-alcohol). Tiny Dunlap, still have your RV? Marianne Coons and Betty, you are long overdue to visit the Winery. Any Santa Fe Landscapers care to take a ride through Chama? Any ABQ Mustang muscle car builders care to come? BERRY IVES, we have not seen or heard from you in ages. Care to join us? Anyone else?

05/28/23 10:52 AM #973    


James A "Jim" White

BILL and MARGIE SLOAN - thank you for sharing pictures of your trip. I love your pictures ... and not just because your hairline is similar to mine. The lighthouse picture is delightful. The statue of a barefoot couble kissing in a prone position kind of reminds your classmates at parties on the Pecos River. The ocean waves remind me of Rio De Janeiro. Those cats reminds me of Hemmingway's mansion in Key West. All of his were cats with six-toes. Thanks for letting us live vicariously though you. :-)

06/02/23 02:48 PM #974    


James A "Jim" White

BOBBY ALLISON has been very ill with his Parkinson's desease and has been in the hospital. He is currently in a Rehab facility for 30-days minimum. His wife, Ernie (Ernestine), has been a saint for years as she cares for him, even through injuries of her own. Now, she can no longer lift him. Bobby has a friend from his Nashville days visiting at present and that helps his attitude. If you love and appreciate Bobby's talent and kind nature as much as Kathy and I do, would you send him a note or card? 

Bobby and Ernie Allison - 1453 E Beach Blvd. #306 - Pass Christian, MS 39571

Last night in Albuquerque, JIM NAPIER, came to the County Line Restaurant to hear JERRY ROBBINS perform. I only knew Jim in high school from a distance but he is as nice a guy as there is.

How many of you remember CHIP KING? He passed away a few years ago but following MIKE TURNER's good example, Kathy and I went to see Chip's mother yesterday. Anyone else still have their mother or father still alive? Anyway, Charolotte King Seacord will be age 101 July 5th, and  is still in Independent Living. You read that right .... she is NOT in assisted living.

Finally, if you are able to come all the way to The Wines of the San Juan and hear '67 classmate JERRY ROBBINS perform tomorrow, Saturday, 3:30 to 5:30, please join MARY HUSEMOLLER and me (and Bill and Kathy).

06/02/23 06:48 PM #975    


Berry Cottrell Ives

Jim White, thanks for giving me a call to invite me to join you at The County Line in ABQ.  This is to let you know that I am alive and well and going on bicycle rides frequently on the wonderful dirt trails in the bosque near the Rio Grande.  The river has been more than full all through May with some new swampy areas.  Sorry I didn't make it to County Line.  I guess I have been quiet lately, other than a couple birthday greetings.  Cheers and no worries!

06/04/23 09:56 PM #976    


James A "Jim" White

It was fabulous having JERRY ROBBINS aka Mungo Jerry at the Wines of the San Juan (in NW New Mexico). Jerry has amazing musical talent and a voice of a 35-year old. I have several videos but, for some reason, I cannot send them from my phone to my computer to post. My email has lowered what they will send through. Perhaps, later, I can post them on YouTube so you can brag on the talent your classmate has. Thank you, Jerry, and I apologize for twisting your arm all these years.

You have to appreciate a musician can throws in a harmonica into his songs ... like Amarillo by Morning and others. Did you notice his Beatles guitar?

What fun Jerry and Sandy Robbins are. Simply wonderful people and Kathy and I loved having them here for a romantic weekend. They celebrated their 50th anniversary in February of this year.

Have you written your "Thinking of you" cards to Bobby Allison, Laurie Shuey Andersen and Jill Webster Reed yet? Send a private message to me if you need an address or two. Best wishes for good health to our classmates. 

We leave NM tomorrow morning. RODNEY WESTENBARGER, we may see you in Idaho this Thursday or Friday, if our schedule works out.

06/04/23 10:15 PM #977    


James A "Jim" White

Here are some upcoming birthdays. Why don't you classmates write and let us know what is happening on your 75th birthday?



•   Lynn Marie Harris  6/8
•   Marilyn Miller (Michael)  6/10
•   Paul Anthony Zielinski  6/13
•   Nettie Lee Crawford  6/16
•   James F "Jim" Gill  6/16
•   Steven W Smith  6/21
•   Joe Reese  6/29
•   Donnia Marie Gouge (Brooks)  7/1
•   Robert A Markham  7/4

Here is what little I know. LYNN HARRIS, you have been so funny and a kick-in-pants at reunions. MARILYN MILLER MICHAEL, do you still live in CA or did you ever move to NM. I think you chose to stay near grandchildren. PAUL ZIELINSKI, didn't you move away from Austin? Have you checked in with JIM NAPIER lately? NETTIE CRAWFORD, we LOVE our retired service members. As I recall, you were A.F. My son will be promoted to Full-Bird this September (not that I am proud or anything). How did your run for congress, I think, go? JIM GILL, I was so happy to see you meeting with BILL SLOAN. You looked well but I know you were very sick about the time of our 55-year reunion. Welcome back. STEVEN SMITH, actually I do not know where you are at or what is going on in your life. Why don't you write and share with us? JOE REESE, we have not seen you since our 40-year reunion. What is going on? DONNIA GOUGE O'BRIEN BROOKS, you are a fantastic grandmother and it looks like California is still treating you well. Check in, please. ROBERT MARKHAM, our resident engineer, published author, screen writer and lover of large bodies of water the size of oceans. Keep us up to date with your many happenings, please.

06/07/23 09:50 AM #978    

Robert A Markham

Jim,  it's been a long time since my last post, so here is what has happened over the past year.  Last August I retired from Northrop Grumman after 21 years.  We decided to move to Texas to be closer to our family.  So we put both houses up for sale and started looking for a new home.  Found a nice place, four bedroom on two acres in hill country just north of San Antonio.  The customer I was supporting begged my to keep working until he could find someone to replace me, which is probably impossible, so I started working part time from TX.  I will need to travel two or three times a year to support exercise events.  Still getting used to the change in climate from CA.  They are in a drought here, which means it only rains every other day.  Almost forgot, our granddaughter had a baby girl last July, so we will get to see her grow up.  

06/07/23 09:03 PM #979    


James A "Jim" White

Thank you, ROBERT MARKHAM, for updating us. Now please go to your profile and update it so we do not think you still live in Simi Valley. Other classmates that have moved, please update your profile. At the last reunion, around 150 postcards were returned for wrong addresses. Also, no one notifies us when a classmate passed. Please make certain we are informed. We want to honor our classmates. Thank you, again, Robert for writing and congrats for still having income come in. I am jealous. See you next time I am in San Antonio ... Maybe next May.

P.S. Kathy and I will be seeing Rodney and Myra Westenbarger tomorrow.

06/08/23 09:17 AM #980    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

During a group walking tour of central Lima met 2 Brits David and Hilary. During our conversations we discovered we were not only married on the same date but at the same local time! It is a small world.

Sanboarded at Huacachine with our guide Juber.

06/08/23 10:29 AM #981    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

We visited Nazca and flew over the amazing lines. Professional photography available online is much clearer than my amateur attempts from a 4 seater Cessna. I did find interesting the Nzca people aquaducts with open air vortexes to stabilize the flow of water in the under ground channels.

In Cuzco we came across a parade of girls' sports teams celebrating the start of their athletic seasons.

06/08/23 10:44 AM #982    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

Made it to my bucket list item of Machine Picchu! I did not attempt the 4 days Inca Trail trek. I'm glad I was able to walk up and down this remarkable site. The people who built this primarily religious center were phenomenal. On the whimsical side I took a photo of a rabbit sitting in a window.

While in Aguas Caliente, the children celebrated Earth Day.

06/08/23 11:12 AM #983    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

06/10/23 11:08 AM #984    


Robin E. Lostetter

Loved all your pictures, Bill Sloan!  Thanks for sharing. 

06/14/23 04:00 PM #985    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

We are now in Puerto Natales, Chile in the Patagonia region. This morning at sunrise we started a van tour of Porque National Torres del Paine. We spent toured primarily high desert with majestic vistas of very steep, craggy, snow covered mountains. No antelope on these plains and slopes but we did see many guanaco, a wild cousin of llama which have never been domesticated. It is winter here and temperature was not too cold but winds coming down from glaciers really get your attention!

Tomorrow we may try a hike to see Andean condors.

06/25/23 12:54 AM #986    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

We are in Sydney, Australia staying with "in-law." Sister Linda's daughter Elizabeth met and married Australian David Kaye while living in New York City. We are staying with David's mother Jackie who is a fabulous hostess. We saw the Australian stage production of "Mamma Mia" yesterday afternoon and all of the cast members were fantastic.


I hope some of you learned as preteens the Australian song "kookaburra lives in the old gumtree. Mighty, mighty king of the bush is he ..." The 2 attached photos are of a kookaburra sitting in Jackie's backyard tree!

06/28/23 04:44 PM #987    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

Tuesday the 27th was our last night in Sydney. Had an early dinner at the 82nd floor SkyTower. Buffet was extensive and well prepared. Then off to the Sydney Opera House for the Australian Opera Company production of "Aida." The cast was superb. I  annoy vouch for the acoustics as our seats were on the 3rd row!! All of the voices were dynamic from where I sat!

06/28/23 04:46 PM #988    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

Yikes for auto complete🤔 Please change Annoy to "cannot"

06/28/23 05:36 PM #989    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

For those of us who wondered: Spell check and Auto-complete are not AI algorithms. They are in fact run by a small leprechaun trying to be very helpful while regrettably very drunk!

07/02/23 05:16 PM #990    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

We have joined a NatGeo/ G Adventures tour with 8 others plus our guide Daisy. From Melbourne we traveled The Great Ocean Road and along the way we saw a wild koala up in a eucalyptus tree. This is apparently an uncommon viewing.

Yesterday 2 July we started our visit to Youth (Ayer's Rock). From our group photo you can see we are a very serious group!

07/02/23 05:17 PM #991    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan


07/04/23 10:21 AM #992    


Barbara Dell Buzbee (Thompson)

Catching up on messages. WOW. WHOA. Great!  Chip's Mom was fantasty! So was his father. Is Carol around. Chip's older sister. What great news. Tomorrow. Her birthday. Fantastic. Who would have known she would have lived this long so perfectly. Makes my Independence day this much better. I truly loved several of my friend's mothers. These women were shockingly alert!  I've sat in her mucuhg room with her, Chip's father sleeping, & Chip: discussing how we are going to do better. Lo. Otherwise, not disturb them in the middle of the night. They were always great  to me as well as wonderful, Chip.  Ty. Jim & Kathy 🍒

08/03/23 11:58 PM #993    


James A "Jim" White

Kathy and I are still traveling and seeing classmates all over. If I do not see them, I at least talk with them. Are you talking with your classmates? Here is a little of what I know:

Yes, BOYCE McFARLAND and Annie  just took a triip to Sweden. Annie is from Sweden and some young USAF Officer swept her off her feet back in the day, 'tho he may think it is the opposite. I "think" they are back home although they may still be going across Europe.

MIKE TURNER and Connie are the typical, doting parents and grandparents most of us are. Isn't his daughter lovely? Look at the bow tie wearing grandson. Mike, you have a right to be proud.

Talking about bow ties! My two grandsons joined me for a picture before my youngest son's wedding. By the way, the suit I am wearing was Andy Andersen's (LAURIE SHUEY ANDERSEN husband) before he died. Traveling around the country in an RV does not leave me much closet room ... but I do need to take the suit in and have the sleeves shortened. 

JERRY ROBBINS performs at The County Line (Restaurant and Club) in Albuquerque monthly. Go see him. You will be glad you did.

We were very fortunate to have JERRY ROBBINS perform at the Wines of the San Juan (Kathy's sister's winery) near Navaho Dam. Thank you so much, Jerry.



08/04/23 12:52 AM #994    


James A "Jim" White

Have I told you how wonderful and open our classmates are? My daughter and granddaughter are in NAPA this week to hear Tony Award Winner vocalist, Sutton Foster, perform. JOHN LESLIE WOLFE, do you know Sutton? Anyway, for emergencies, if our two travelers had one, I called LOUISE YBARRA CHRISTENSEN to inform her. Of course, without pressure and with no advance notice, Louise and Rick opened their house to Lyndee and Marybella ... and let Lyndee play their piano made in the 1800's. What wonderful, gracious, classmates we have. Thank you, Louise, and HAPPY 57th- ANNIVERSARY this week.

My daughter is a vocalist with the Seattle Opera (at present) so I wonder if our two vocalist classmates, JOHN LESLIE WOLFE or BRENDA RIDENER BRADLEY have any suggestions about my daughter, Lyndee White, new venture?       www.lifeinpinkjazz.com

MARY MAULDIN GARCIA just lost her husband of over 50-years. They had just moved back to Las Vegas, NV from Yuma. I have met him a couple times and he was a really nice man. You have our deepest sympathy, Mary.

JIM NAPIER came to the County Line when JERRY ROBBINS was performing and we had a good visit. Sorry I cannot find a picture now. Thank you for coming to meet with us, Jim.

As for my California friend who we use to discuss our addict children, how is yours? My son is 7-years sober and doing great! I pray that yours is too.

COL. (USMC retired) BILL SLOAN and MARGIE will be celebrating their 50th anniversary in October, in Florida. Meanwhile, they have been all over the southern hemisphere from Chili to Austrailia. Are you back yet? Hey, Bill, I never gave you the contact information for the invitation. There is only a 5% chance we could make it. Our son is being promoted to Full-Bird Colonel (USAF) about that time but send it anyway to: JWhiteCLU@aol.com.

Talking about traveling, TERRY BOONE and JUDY just got back from Europe. They went all over the place, even Croatia. Welcome back, T-Bone.

So ELIZABETH GWARTNEY LOWNEY moves and leaves her BFF, JUDI ADAMS MORRIS, in Colorado and what does she get?  Thirty-one straight days of 110+ degrees temperature. You should keep two homes, Elizabeth. Your heart and dogs would appreciate it. :-)

BOBBY ALLISON and ERNIE are doing pretty well. Not certain, but I think Bobby is in a home so he can have full-time assistance with his Parkinson's. Bobby's little service dog is very popular at the home. Also, some musicians came in and Bobby really had a good time. Remember, Bobby use to be an EPIC Records recording star and has some C.D.'s. He started performing in Colorado but has performed all over from New Orleans (where he met Ernistine and married her), to Nashville, TN to Deadwood, SD.

Please, everyone, let us know what you are doing. I will close with a couple pictures.

This toast is for you. And if you live anywhere between Seattle to Illinois (probably going I-90 route), let us know. We leave Washington September 5th. Plan to be at Scott AFB, near St. Louis, by September 20th.

08/04/23 09:41 PM #995    


James A "Jim" White

Happy Birthday PAT SOLEMAN. We have known each other since the 1st grade. You use to live across the street from BETTY McCOMBSand RHONDA BERNING. You and I use to clean your dad's planes. Damn, that was not fun getting the bugs off underneath the wings. But do you know what I think is the most amazing about you? Everyone loves you. I mean "everyone." Wish I could say the same about me. Pat, you were a wonderful guy growing up, you and your brother, Gary(RIP), threw the best high school parties on your homestead out in the country, and you have always been the nicest fellow to be around. Do you remember when we towed the Henry J out to your farm and was going to put the Ford Station Wagon V8 into it? That did not go well. And how about ole "Lonesome Butt?" For others, that was the goat/ram that would let you get in the middle of the field then charge you. If you sat down on the ground, he would stop. It was a constant up and down until you reached the fence line. Thank you for being my friend, and that is not related to you owning an Escort Service. I will let other figure that out. I looked all over for pictures of Pat but could not find them. Happy Birthday, Pat.


08/08/23 02:12 PM #996    


James A "Jim" White

GRIEF ALL AROUND: 😔 The ever funny and silly CAROL NORMAN CONOWAY lost her lifelong mate recently. We are so sorry for the loss of your husband, Carol

MARDI GONYEA NICKLIN lost her first great granddaughter. Niva only lived 20-days, but went into the hearts of many. Mardi, we grieve with and for you.

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