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04/22/24 12:15 PM #1041    


Karen Moore (Wilson)

I am sorry to hear of Jill's plight and know what you are going thru since I did 10 yrs with my Mom.  I send love and understanding.  Jill is an outstanding person!!

04/24/24 09:39 AM #1042    


James A "Jim" White

It is great seeing people write and update the class. Let us ALL follow that example. Today, Kathy and I will meet LOUIS BAGWELL and hopefully, Mary, for lunch in Galveston. I will post a picture if I remember. A month from now, we will be meeting MARDI GONYEA NICKLIN for fun, conversation and a meal. Anybody in San Antonio I should meet? How about Pecos, Texas? If possible, Kathy and I will be in Roswell 5/28-5/30. Hmmm, I wonder if CRAIG SUTHERLAND can reserve me an RV spot at the Lodge?  After that, the Wines of the San Juan (NW New Mexico) for a week or so. JERRY ROBBINS, will you be anywhere around? Then onto New Jersey. Any classmates recognized McGuire AFB? Then to Seattle, then back to Wines of the San Juan, then AZ, mostly Yuma, then Palm Springs where we will see BARBARA BUZBEE.

Do you ever check the birthday list and contact classmates? Yesterday was BETTY McCOMBS and DEBORAH PIKE'S birthdays. Betty is one of those lucky enough to appear in her 40's  and I am certain Deborah is too but have not seen a recent picture. Today is SHEILA SPURRIER JORDAN'S birthday. Happy birthday, Sheila, one of our eastside classmates growing up. Speaking of birthdays, will classmates drop a note to a couple of wonderful classmates that may be in a struggle?

JILL WEBSTER REED has alzheimers but can remember classmates and school years. Her birthday is 4/28. 225 Brookview Drive, Hurst, Texas 76054

LAURIE SHUEY ANDERSEN still has her Mensa level intelligence but is trapped in a paralyzed body. I hope she does not get angry with me saying that without asking first. Some seniors may not recognize incompetence in care takers - Laurie does. Her birthday is May 2nd. 6817 Glen Meadow Drive, Ft. Worth, TX 76132.

Please, everyone, notify us of anyone's passing. Our In Memory page is one of the most important. Keep in contact with lifelong friends, and keep rockin' the life we have been blessed with.


04/24/24 03:37 PM #1043    


James A "Jim" White

Kathy and I thank you two for meeting us for lunch. It was fun

and Mary is a true sweetheart. As they say in Roswell,

"Yu Dun Good!"

 ~Jim and Kathy

04/25/24 12:23 PM #1044    


Margaret W. "Peggy" Ware (Koger)

Thanks for the update, Jim. It's always good to have you as our Ambassador!  Safe travels! New Jersey is new, eh?


05/23/24 08:16 PM #1045    


James A "Jim" White

Hello from Lake Medina near San Antonio. Kathy and I left Galveston Island yesterday. We enjoyed our 5th partial winter on the beach. Special thanks for HERKY VEACH and LOUIS BAGWELL for meeting us. I had hoped to sneak by LABAN STEWART'S home today but did not come close enough. We will be meeting MARDI GONYEA NICKLIN tomorrow for lunch. If the truck makes it, we will be in Roswell next Tue-Thu. Anyone want to get together?

05/24/24 10:42 AM #1046    


Doris Flood (Burton)

Sounds like fun! Safe travels.

05/24/24 11:58 AM #1047    


Terry Michael Boone

Uh, oh!  "If the truck makes it"?  that sounds a little worrisome.  


05/29/24 04:26 PM #1048    


James A "Jim" White

An old country western song goes, "All my rowdy friends have settled down," and that is certainly true of Roswell. Kathy and I are in Roswell and I use to pass through and see friends every place I went. So far, I have only seen two, CRAIG SUTHERLAND, who had to sign me into the Elks Lodge RV Park, and DICKIE DAVIS because I went to his business. I did speak by phone with BRENDA HENRY WHITE, LINDA HENRY's sister. We are going to leave a day early, tomorrow, since many have left town or passed away or don't stay in touch. Meanwhile, we have some birthdays coming up:
• Joanne Crotzer Rusk has not signed in since 2016. She was living in Maryland.
• The ever funny LYNN HARRIS use to be in charge of everyone having fun at Red Roof Inns across America.
• No picture of MARILYN MILLER MICHAEL at our last reunion can be found without a big smile. She was going to move back to NM but her grandchildren kept her in CA.
• It been years since I have spoken with PAUL ZIELINSKI. I assume he still lives in the Austin, TX area.
• NETTIE CRAWFORD is retired military (thank you, NETTIE) and ran for office in the West Texas area as I recall with my dimly lit mind.
• STEVEN SMITH is married to Becky Gwartney and they have a stunning home/ranch/farm in the Hondo area.

I hope I did not mislead everyone on the above info. We have classmates to pray for. Some are sick but not public information yet. KAREN WILSON lost her husband this week. We are so sorry, Karen

05/30/24 06:31 PM #1049    


Margaret W. "Peggy" Ware (Koger)

Jim and Cathy,

Thank you for being the BEST ambassadors we could ever have! This is an amazing place to keep our members alive. You two have seen to it that we are all connected. Thank you! 

06/01/24 10:57 AM #1050    


Becky Lynn Gwartney (Smith)

My husband L.M. (Smitty) Smith from our class was surprised to learn I had married Steven Smith. Darn..did you have to tell himsmiley.  We actually live in Lincoln, NM.  Since you're supposed to downsize for retirement we moved to the nearest small town.  It is a lovely place to live with not only our animals but abundant wildlife. Note the raccoon inn the barn, bat on the porch who flew into the house, and squirrel in the dryer vent were not highlights of country living.

I do check this site on occasion but am always saddened by those who are suffering the indignities of aging and those who have passed. Where did the time go? I would like to hear from you the things that bring you humor and joy. Tell us about the silly things your grandchildren or yikes great grandchildren have said or done. Same for the pets who have become our companions. Send funny pics. Make us laugh. This is Mia! She's a very liquid dog..meaning she just spreads out and it's up to you to go around. Not the brightest girl but we love her (except when she rolls in horse biscuits).





06/02/24 10:46 AM #1051    

Pamala Ann "Pam" Liston (Ricks)

Becky Gwartney I'm so happy to know that our class has at least one bigamist. When I read Jim White's message I thought "well all this time I thought she married that darling Smitty and now I find out she's married to some other Smith guy" So to find out you're married to both of them just is the best news. I can't even handle one husband much less too so you must tell us how you're doing it.
Do love the picture of your dog although I must tell you it's a vision test to find the hidden object

06/02/24 11:12 AM #1052    


James A "Jim" White

Thank you BECKY GWARTNEY SMITH for correcting me. I dislike giving out incorrect information. I was in a hurry, did not look up anything, just typing from my demented mind on my phone. Yes, I do know Smitty, just was not thinking. You gave good advice for everyone. Classmates, let us know about your family, your health, your prayer needs, your dogs and, of course, jokes. Just no partison politics please.

Kathy and I went through Roswell this week. Forgot to get a picture of DICKIE DAVIS but remembered CRAIG SUTHERLAND and BETTY McCOMBS PATTON.

CRAIG SUTHERLAND  was a great help to me in finding an RV space to park my rig. CRAIG and MARIANNE COONS McCULLOUGH are working hard this weekend on a golf tournament to raise money for Veterans. Hooray for you two and others I do not know about.

We caught BETTY McCOMBS PATTON  at lunch as we were leaving town. Some people just don't age, do they?

This is where Kathy and I are at present, her sister's winery in NW New Mexico. We will be here for another week then fly to New Jersey for our son's Change of Command ceremony (not to mention he has 5 of our grandchildren), then back here, hook-up and drag our 5th-Wheel to Seattle area for the summer. We like to see classmates so let us know if we are passing by you. It may not be comfortable to drag our trailer through your town so, depending upon our time, you may have to meet us at a truckstop near the highway. LOL Our overall plans are to leave Seattle, travel back here (thru parts of WA-OR-ID-UT-CO for the Wine Festival the last week of September; then to and thru AZ, then Palm Springs (yea, BARBARA BUZBEE, we get to see you again), then to YUMA, other parts of AZ, then all across all of Texas (West to East) on I-10  back to Jamaica Beach on Galveston Island for Feb-Mar-Apr.

More senior enlightenments:

  • Our luck is just like a bald man who just won a comb.
  • Do you remember when you could stand up without sound effects?
  • When you do squats, does it sound like a goat eating an aluminum can stuffed with celery?

06/03/24 09:54 AM #1053    

Pamala Ann "Pam" Liston (Ricks)

Jim White...you are missing some beautiful areas. You need to drive the Eastern seaboard in the Spring. Brunswick,Savanah,Charleston, then onto the Blue Ridge drive( getting on and off). Maybe you have done that. We have a cabin on the Tennessee/Georgia border that is my happy place. Come see us.

06/03/24 11:53 AM #1054    


Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)

Hi my kind friends.. sorry for not checking in for a really long time. My brain went to a time-out phase. I "thought"....silly me..that when I got fully retired I wouldn't be busy. Wrong !! The past couple of years I've spent 4 months of the year in CA with my foster daughter. She has begged me to move there, and I have seriously considered it but my love of the TX Hill country is winning. As long as I'm physically able to take care of myself I really want to do that. Can you all relate? I'm immersed in a art project which I started just in March. I make artistic pictures and items out of costume jewelry. I've sold a lot of my pieces which leads to me making more! Here is my site on Shopify https://theblinginggroup.myshopify.com
If any of you have some jewelry you would like to get rid of you can send me a private message from FB or email me at marditx.mn@gmail.com. it can have missing pieces.
I stay in touch with several on FB and I went down the list of those classmates we are still in touch with. I will try reaching out to them on FB.
It was great fun to have Jim & Kathy White visit.
I've had great fun on FB with Micheale(sorry I think I mis-spelled) Austin Kelly-Peggy Ware McPhillimy-Keith Burke-Rosa Foster Carmen-Karen McCarty Messina-Donna Davis-Nonie Bennett and newly found Nelson Miller who went to NMMI. I've got to see if he will send a message to his sister Connie.
Ok I have rambled too long...gotta go get my mail. Love to all of you 💜💜💜

06/04/24 07:30 AM #1055    


Marla Gibson (Frey)


Jim if you come my way come see us I am still in San Clemente Ca.  We have a couple of trips planned Tomorrow leaving for Santa Fe, Roswell and Ruidoso. I will be in Hilo Hi mid August for an outrigger event and visiting New Caledonia late September.

06/16/24 11:49 AM #1056    


Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)

Hi Everyone. First of all I want to say Thank you to those who went to my shopify site and for the purchases you made. What a sweet surprise. You are welcome to view and purchase my items on:https://theblinginggroup.myshopify.com
Next I want to thank you for the costume jewelry you sent plus for the jewelry and visit I got from. Patsy Bush Hodges. I knew Patsy lived here in Kerrville and we would run into each other occasionally. My health side-tracked a lot of stuff so I'm glad for re-connects. A few of us "East-siders" from our old neighborhood have enjoyed finding each other. (Patsy-Nona Bennett-Mary & Janice Sallee-Donna Davis-Dale Frost-Mike Shannon-Karen Wilson-Keith Burke-Jim White) Sorry if I left anyone out. Besides the connection on here I'm on Facebook and Messenger so feel free to connect there...we will have a party. Some classmates and myself have been known to have a phone party which has run into a couple of hours...I mean I have nothing but time. Sometimes so time and me having a brain can be a dangerous thing....ha! Yep I've party phoned with Karen McCarty Messina...ha before she married as I hate to mess with the newlywed bliss..and Linda Henry Crowder...Rosa Foster Carmen...Barbara Dell Buzbee...Micheale Austin Kelly...Judy Adams Lambert (did I get that married name right..sorry Judy). So if you can't see a classmate you are thinking about do like Jim White and I do..just pick up the phone and call them. If you dont have their phone # I'm pretty sure Jim has it...ha I love ya' J !! Peace Out 💜💜💜

06/19/24 11:52 AM #1057    


Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)

Hi Everyone. I got a text from Nancy May's Sackman. She was concerned about if our classmates that are associated with Ruidoso are safe. On FB the ones I have heard from and read about are:
Donna Birkenbuel. I "think" she said she lost her cabin and that she is safe in Las Cruses. If anyone has heard otherwise please post.
Rita Parnell Rhymes posted she is safe. Due to the phone lines being jammed i haven't been able to get a call through to her.
Please post if any of you know anything at all. Please pray over this huge loss and tragedy to so many. Have a blessed day 💜💜💜

06/19/24 12:22 PM #1058    


Bill Martin



Ruidoso Burning...??!!!




06/24/24 01:59 PM #1059    


Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)

Hi Everyone. Here is the most current update I have on our Ruidoso friends. Donna Birkenbuel posted yesterday that her insurance adjuster has been in touch. She lost her families cabin in the fire. The loss has just been devastating for her. She has been staying with a friend in Las Cruses. Her agent is working on finding her an apt.
Then today Rita Parnell Rhymes posted that they are headed into Ruidoso to see her house and her sister's house across the street from hers. I asked her to please keep us posted.
Please continue in prayer for this hugely sad loss to so many 🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜

06/26/24 12:17 AM #1060    


Robin E. Lostetter

Mardi, has anyone heard from Molly Orr Crockett? I don't know if she was still living in Ruidoso.  I haven't heard  from her since the fire, though.  She did post about disaster assistance on Facebook, but no personal note.

06/26/24 05:47 AM #1061    

Patricia "Pat" Scott (West)

I visited with Molly the week before the fire.  She lives in Artesia.  We spent a day in Ruidoso where some of Molly's children and grandchildren live.  One daughter's home was destroyed.  Extent of damage to others not determined yesterday because roads still closed.  Molly is physically fine, but heavy emotional load.

06/26/24 11:43 PM #1062    

Molly Orr (Crockett)

Thank you Robin.  I am fine & as Pat said we were just there looking at all the places we could remember that were important to us as we grew up.  My daughter & family lost there home, but the grandkids were lucky & did not lose there house or the business property.  

My dsughter had changed banks a little bit before the first fire & forgot the move the insurance draft to the new account.  When she realized what had happened she took care of the draft.  Insurance company canceled her anyway.  Due to the Blue 2 fire being active & not 100% contained she had to wait for that to happen before she could get insurance from another company.   The Blue 2 fire was was 93% contained when the SouthFork fire burned her house.....so no insurance.  



06/26/24 11:43 PM #1063    

Molly Orr (Crockett)

Thank you Robin.  I am fine & as Pat said we were just there looking at all the places we could remember that were important to us as we grew up.  My daughter & family lost there home, but the grandkids were lucky & did not lose there house or the business property.  

My dsughter had changed banks a little bit before the first fire & forgot the move the insurance draft to the new account.  When she realized what had happened she took care of the draft.  Insurance company canceled her anyway.  Due to the Blue 2 fire being active & not 100% contained she had to wait for that to happen before she could get insurance from another company.   The Blue 2 fire was was 93% contained when the SouthFork fire burned her house.....so no insurance.  



07/25/24 12:41 PM #1064    


James A "Jim" White

Hey, Classmates, tell us what is going on? There has not been a single posting in a month. Your classmates do want to know what is going on with you. First, JIM BROWN's home in Ruidoso survived the fires and the floods, barely. Not unscathed but still there. Kathy and I will be at the Wine Festival (Wines of the San Juan) in NE New Mexico the last Weekend in September in case you are close by. MARY HUSEMOLLER and Bill are selling their incredible award winning designed dream home outside of Durango and moving to their other dream home along the So-Cal coast. BARBARA BUSBEE, Kathy and I will be meeting sometime in late November or December in Palm Springs. JIM NAPIER and I are going to try to get together in Costa Mesa in early January. TERRY BOONE is in Paris for the Olympics. MARDI GONYEA NICKLIN just bought a new car and still enjoying life in the hill country Texas. Both BOBBY ALLISON and LAURIE SHUEY ANDERSEN have been in the hospital recently but both are home and doing well. Actually, BOBBY and Ernie (Ernestine) are in their 2nd home for the summer in Switzerland of America, Ouray, Colorado. If you would like Laurie or Bobby's address to send them a card, private message me. Take care of yourselves and let us know what is going on, good or bad. We care.

07/26/24 11:16 AM #1065    


Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)

Hi everyone. First I want to let you know the only way you can get in touch with me is by texting me at 830 257 8371 or email at marditx.mn@gmail.com. My FB page has been hacked/hijacked.No I don't have a new car. The hijackers that took over my site are using that as a ploy. Do not respond to anyone who says they are me on messenger or from that Mardi Nicklin site. I gave deleted FB and Instagram from my phone.

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