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10/12/24 04:32 PM #1087    


James A "Jim" White

I cannot find out anything about Davis Gaunt. Dwight Hardin heard a "whiff" from his daughter and will try to find out more. The last either of us knew, Davis lived in Albuquerue. It may be too early for an obituary, or I may be a lousy internet researcher. Thanks for those that report the loss of a classmate.


10/12/24 05:53 PM #1088    

Bob Gadberry

I talked to Davis Gauntt's sister today.  She said he did pass away.  He had some kind of surgery with complications and then caught COVID.  She had no other details.  She said there are no plans for services at this time.

Bob Gadberry

10/20/24 10:51 AM #1089    

Debbie Kuchar (Larsen)

So sad to see the flooding in Roswell from the terrible rains yesterday. Praying for all

10/21/24 10:33 AM #1090    

Pamala Ann "Pam" Liston (Ricks)

Hi All...Jim, do any of our classmates need help after the flood?

Bill and I have narrowly escaped twice. Once at our cabin in Blue Ridge, GA ,( Helene turned just before it would have hit us) and this time in Melbourne Beach, Florida, it passed over our home, but the winds had slowed to 70mph, so we were fine. Whew!!!

Thinking of Roswell. Such a very strange thing to happen!!!

Pam Liston Ricks


10/21/24 11:44 AM #1091    


Roger Carl

We were fortunate that Helene went west of Charleston, so we were fine for that one.  We flew from Charleston to Charlotte landing just hours after the hurricsne cleared out of the Charlotte are.  We were on our way to Germany, so have been mostly out of touch for the last three weeks.  We will return to Charleston tomorrow and see if we have anything.  The previous hurricane did us some minor damage after 12+ inches of water in 24 hours.  Just some ceiling spotting from leakage around a chimney.  That's my next project when we get home.  Hadn't heard anything about the Roswell flooding.  Thanks for keeping us somewhat informed on what's happening.


10/23/24 03:22 PM #1092    

William Samuel "Bill" Sloan

I hope the information I have is accurate. I do not have a lot of info from Roswell but this is what I have:

Craig Sutherland West 4th across the street fron Spring River and municipal golf course had 1 inch of water and mud in his kitchen,

Polly and Bill Hartman had a foot of water and mud in their home so some (most?) furniture ruined and damage to floor and walls to be determined.

Roswell Seed Company building on Main Street no damage.

Very regretably, a quinceanera was being held in the Convention Center and all present had to go to the roof and watch their cars and trucks be flooded.

Mayor Tim Jennings quoted as saying Twin Dams held so all of the flooding was due to the deluge of about 6 inches in 6 hours.

Hurricane Milton passed south of our home so we had 12+ inches of rain but no damage and no flooding.

Our priest on Sunday the 13th (paraphrasing) said "Be careful what you pray for. If you pray for the storm to pass you by then it means someone else may be suffering. Pray for decreasing winds and rains."

10/24/24 11:26 AM #1093    


Charlotte Howell (Nix)

Thanks for the update on our classmates in Roswell.  May the Lord continue to protect and bless them as they move forward from this flooding.  My thoughts and prayers are with all of our classmates whether in Roswell, North Carolina, Florida or anywhere around the world!  

We are living in North Texas and continue to have summer like temperatures and no rain.  I am thankful for each day and continue to rely on His mercy daily.  


10/25/24 10:55 AM #1094    


Julia "Jill" Webster (Reed)

Hi RHS-GHS '66.  It has been a while since I posted an update on Jill so I thought I should today.

In May, my daughter put her monther into hospice care.  She has continued to decline.  The staff at the facility doesn't know what is keeping her alive.  I told them that she has always said she would out live me because I didn't take good enough care of myself and she is going to prove it.  She sleeps all but a few hours each day.  Most days she eats no meals.  Mostly she is surviving on 2 or 3 bottles of Booste each day.

Her actions have changed drastically.  If the staff is doing something she doesn't want to do she pinches, bites, or spits on them. They were trying to change her clothes one day when I was there and she didn't want them to.  I got closer to see if I could help and spit at me and said "That's what you get for doing nothing".  Yesterday I went by and she was sleeping.  I asked if she could wake up and talk to me.  She said "No, go away and leave me alone".

We all learned recently that Jimmy Carter lived in hospice for 10 years.  Jill may beat his record.

I tell her what is going on with the class and  show her pictures that are sent to me but she shows no sense of recognition.

God Bless You All.  I am so sorry to hear about all the fires, huricanes, and flooding many have endured.  Made my hail storm seem minor and I got a new roof.  And you have lost many members.  I know that they are in God's loving arms.


Harold (H.D.) Reed

10/25/24 12:55 PM #1095    


Doris Flood (Burton)

While reading your post, I am feeling your pain and sense of loss, H.D.  Jill was a vibrant individual, to say the least, and I know it is hard on you seeing her slip away.  I also sense your immense feeling of love for her.  We all know you are doing your best to cope with Jill's situation, and we love you for it.  Take care of yourself, my friend.  There are many out here who love you.

11/29/24 02:15 PM #1096    


Dennis R. Hunter

Happy Birthday Linda ... hope you are feeling well enough to go out and "dance the night away"!  HA

Hang in there and again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!




12/06/24 11:56 PM #1097    


James A "Jim" White

It is truly sad that I have had to post three more classmate names in the "In Memory" section recently. Please go to that section, reflect on those and others, and please share with us any memories you may have. I love the comments on HAL HILL's page. Thank you, TERRY BOONE, for making us aware of LAURIE SHUEY ANDERSEN's passing. Kathy and I talked with her less than a week before she died. I did not know DAVIS GAUNTT personally, but he did sign onto this class site in March.

MILDRED ANDREWS FORD, do you need a new password? This week, if it can be accomplished, Kathy and I hope to catch up with and visit this coming week with PEGGY WARE KOGER, CAROL NORMAN CONAWAY and JIM NAPIER. Maybe down the road, ELIZABETH GWARTNEY LOWNEY. Over Christmas, Kathy and I will be in New Jersey in case anyone reading this lives there. We will be at McGuire AFB which many Veterans may be familiar with. We will be near BUTCH COLBERT, BOB and KAREN HARRINGTON REAM the last two weeks of January, and near LOUIS BAGWELL and HERKY VEACH in February. Yes, back to Jamaica Beach on Galveston Island for Feb-Mar-Apr. DENNIS HUNTER, thanks for all you do to assist in keeping this site functioning.

12/07/24 11:48 AM #1098    


Donna Birkenbuel

Hello everyone!

FYI Jim White, I just updated my address information (again.) After losing my home in Ruidoso to the fires this summer, I am currently living in a 55+ senior's gated community in Las Cruces. I really like the security provided here,  but I don't know yet if this is going to be my last landing place. Time will tell. I think I should qualify for a "Golden Sneakers" award because of how many times I've moved in the last 5 years. *L*

Update for those that know my sister Sharon Birkenbuel - RHS Class of 64 - and her battle with Alzheimer's Disease. She has been declining rapidly, and I have been in Albuquerque to spend more time with her. I am going back to Albuquerque this Monday to go with her to her neurologist appointment on the 12th, because I'm sure there are going to be changes in  the level of her care.  She is always asking for me, but I don't mind because the day will come when she won't know me, or call me her "baby sister," either. 




12/07/24 12:24 PM #1099    


Margaret W. "Peggy" Ware (Koger)

Gosh, all our classmates with Alzheimer's is so hard. God bless all you caretakers and spouses. You have the hardest job in the world! Jill and HD, God bless you! I'm so sorry. 

Jim, we look forward to visiting this week!


12/08/24 03:54 PM #1100    


Julia "Jill" Webster (Reed)

Hi RHS- GHS family,

I hate to add to Jim White's duties but I need let you know that Jill Webster Reed passed away Friday afternoon from complications with dimentia.  It has been a long 4 and a half years but I know that she is in a better place today.  I'm sure that she and her mother are back together giving Charlie hell.

We had a good 55 years together.  We were able to do lot of traveling in both Europe and Asia.  Probably her biggest joy was spending time with her 6 granddaughters.

One of the highlights for me with our marriage has been getting to know all the RHS-GHS classmates and hear about their high school escapades.  My senior class were such deadbeats we had 2 reunions in 30 years and the last one was split between two locations because people couldn't agree.

Roswell will always be like home for me.  Be at peace that Jill is in the loving arms of our Lord and Saviour.

Harold Reed

12/09/24 11:23 AM #1101    


Doris Flood (Burton)

Our condolences to you and your family, H.D.  Truly, Jill is now in a better place.  I know the void you have felt these past years is somewhat lifted.  Hopefully, knowing that Jill is in heaven and in a better form must be of some comfort.  Know that you will always be in our hearts.  You are truly one special man, and I know Jill loved you so  much.  We will all miss her smile and her laugh, but it is in our hearts, as well.  Take care, my friend.

12/09/24 12:44 PM #1102    


Terry Michael Boone

H. D., I remember you well as you joined several mini-get togethers in the Fort Worth area in years past.  The way you fit in, if somebody didn't know better, they would have thought you had graduated with us.  You've been awfully good to Jill for so many years.  She was certainly lucky to have a man who stood by her thorugh such difficult times as you did.  You both have been through a lot.  My prayers are with both you and Jill and I  now hope that the two of you can now be at peace.

12/10/24 03:24 PM #1103    


Charlotte Howell (Nix)

HD, Tucker, Anne, Paige and Granddaughters,

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with each of you.  We know that these last few years have been most difficult but you all honored Jill with your presence and patience.  How blessed she was to have you in her life!

What a wonderful classmate Jill was.  She was witty, loyal and loving to each of us in the class of 1966.  Jill and I drove home for lunch everyday from RHS and had many adventures along the way.  Choir was a true joy and she was a marvelous part of that joy.  

Rest in Peace my friend.  Rest in the loving arms of your Lord and Savior.  See you later.........

12/11/24 01:13 PM #1104    


Robin E. Lostetter

H.D. - You've been the definition of faithful to Jill, and you've won over all our hearts as you kept us abreast of Jill's situation.  You brought us to tears both of sadness and of joy, for the tender care you gave our "Roswell sister" Jill.

You're one of us now, just as you've been for the last several years.  We want to know what's going on with the kids and grandchildren and any travel or adventures you find yourself on.   Please know that we will welcome any family news from you, and that many Roswell/Goddard folk will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

With great sadness and also gratitude,


12/12/24 02:26 PM #1105    


Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)

Hi Everyone I just want to let you know here is how you can get in touch with me since I am no longer on Facebook. My phone/text is 830 257 8371 and my email is marditx.mn@gmail.com.
I've been very sad for all the losses of our classmates and I would like to offer my sincere condolences to their families and friends.
I am wishing each of you and your families the most blessed Holiday Season and a Very Merry Christmas 🤶 🎄

12/13/24 10:13 AM #1106    


R. E. Herky Veatch

Are you still in Kerrville?

12/13/24 01:44 PM #1107    


Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)

Yes I am

12/23/24 12:50 PM #1108    


James A "Jim" White


From very chilly McGuire AFB (Joint Base MDL) in New Jersey at the moment, Kathy and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

PEGGY WARE KOGER and Fred met with us last week in Mesa, AZ area. We had a delightful meeting and a few stories were told. 

We are sorry we missed CAROL NORMAN but wish her the best. As some of you know, Carol is a fairly recent widow. Now I have barely missed Carol from Enumclaw, WA to Phoenix, AZ. Hugs to you, Carol.

IF schedules work, we will be meeting with JIM NAPIER in Casa Grande, AZ January 2nd. Sadly, we will miss seeing ELIZABETH GWARTNEY LOWNEY around that time. It seems she and Walter would rather go see her children then meet with us. Imagine that. However, I give credit to ELIZABETH and JUDI ADAMS MORRIS for talking over Facetime several times a week while they each put on their makeup. What a cool idea for great friends.

Our deepest sympathy go out to BARBARA BUZBEE who lost her daughter this week. Barbara, please accept our deepest condolences from the class. We were fortunate to meet with Barbara this past month. I hope to find our picture together we took .... among gazillions on my phone.

Do you have memory hooks from your earlier days? Kathy and I saw Englebert Humperdinck our first or second year of marriage. While in Palm Springs, for our 54th-anniversary we went to see 88-year young Englebert's "Last Waltz Final Tour." It was good, he was open, very sad and emotional at times; but with the emotional ties we have with him, we enjoyed our evening.

Did I mention we got together with MARY HUSEMOLLER this summer? Mary is doing well and selling her absolutely stunning home in Durango, CO area to move fulltime to their other absolutely stunning custom home in southern California close to the ocean.

ROGER CARL, are you back in the country? LOUIS BAGWELL and HERKY VEACH, Kathy and I hope to see you on the Island Feb-Mar-Apr when we are there.

I spoke with BETSY FRISINGER recently and she is still doing well in Oklahoma City.


12/24/24 09:42 AM #1109    


Doris Flood (Burton)

Thanks for the update, Jim.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the RHS/GHS Class of 1966 and beyond.  Gary and I send our regards to all.

12/24/24 10:44 AM #1110    


Roger Carl

Jim, Thanks for remembering.  We are slowing way down on our travel, but we went to Michigan in the spring, Germany in the fall, and Texas for Thanksgiving.  We are staying home this Christmas and expecting our son and his son and family from Chicago to arrive Christmas afternoon.  That includes an 18 month little ball of energy that should wear us all out with her first real Christmas experience.  It's been a couple of years since I have been in NM.  I really need to get there this spring to visit sister Rada in ABQ and older brother Gary in TorC.  I really miss going through Roswell to see Jim Gill since his passing; and it's always a treat to touch base with Dickey Davis when I get a chance.

Best wishes to all for the holidays!!

12/24/24 11:56 AM #1111    


Karen McCarty (Messina)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my classmates!  We are doing well in Florida. We don't travel as much as I used to as my new husband, John, has had some challenging health issues since we got married two years ago. We are still going out to listen to music and the many tribute groups that pass through our area. My daughter and only child will be visiting for Christmas from Dothan, AL.  We are taking life one day at a time and enjoying what God has given us. May each of you enjoy your family and friends always. I enjoy hearing the news of each one even if I don't remember all the details of my high school exploits!  Enjoy life and be kind as a songwriter once wrote! 

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