Gary Soleman

We are sad to report the passing of GARY SOLEMAN on December 20, 2019 in Mills, Wyoming. We have no other details other than Gary suffered from COPD and other lung ailments for many years. As Gary directed, no funeral was held or obituary made available. Gary is survived by his brother, Pat Soleman (GHS'66), and sister, Mary Soleman Spence (GHS'6?).

Gary was friendly, popular and considered by many female classmates as one of the best looking classmates to ever attend East Jr. High. We would welcome a school or friendship story you might have.

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12/23/19 09:50 AM #1    

Jim Brown

My heart goes out to Gary's family and his brother Pat..

I grew up with Gary and Pat in Roswell out on East Colege Street and had many fond memories of those two guys.  I remember when Gary put his foot under a running lawn mower to see if it was working.  It was!  What a deal that was...

Bless his soul.

Jimmy Brown

01/13/20 11:38 PM #2    

James A "Jim" White

One could not be friends with Pat Soleman without being friends with Gary Soleman, his older brother. Gary and I once spent time in the hospital together, me with my collar bone surgery and him with his leg gunshot surgeries, and we both told stories and laughed despite being in severe pain. I talked by phone to Gary occasionally over the years and twice in the last 3 years tried to see him as I passed through Wyoming, but he was not open to a visit. Rest in Peace, friend.

01/17/20 07:01 PM #3    

Roger Price

It really set me back when I heard of Gary's passing. He was a great guy, always fun to be around. I hadn't seen him in a long time but my memories of the great times are bright and clear. Especially the parties at Gary an Pat's house when their dad was out of town.RIP Gary.

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