Glenda Cummins (Sutton)

Glenda Cummins (Sutton)

We have been notified by Jim Goolsby of Glenda's passing away in Casper, Wyoming [location of death was corrected to New Mexico]. Glenda was living in Ruidoso, New Mexico. She was an elementary school teacher in Roswell for 32 years before teaching for ENMU for 5. Glenda was married to Kenneth Sutton of our class before his passing. They had one child and two grandchildren. If you knew Glenda, please post your thoughts or a story.

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10/07/22 02:54 PM #1    

Jimmy Goolsby

Glenda passed in New Mexico, not Wyoming.

I met Glenda for the first time, when we were building the Senior Float for the first Goddard Homecoming. (An odd event since there was not yet anyone to come home in the fall of 1965.) I was already committed to another young lady (that I subsequently married) , so I introduced  my good friend Kenneth Sutton to Glenda. Boy did he get a prize! 

10/07/22 11:18 PM #2    

Michaele Austin (Kelly)

I remember Glenda from our years at Missouri Avenue. She was always so nice and I cant remember anyone that didn’t like her. It’s kind of sad how we all grew apart when we started junior high and high school as we met so many others and let our old friends drift away. I’m sure she stayed the sweet and lovely person she was and she will be missed by all who knew her.

10/09/22 01:34 PM #3    

Doris Flood (Burton)

I, too, was close friends with Glenda during the Missouri Avenue days.  Michelle, Glenda, Linda Veretto, Margaret Bevill, Joan Poole, Barby Mitchell, and several others (whose name escape me at the moment), were all members of a Missouri Avenue Brownie troop.  We met at my house very often since it was just across the street from the school, and my mom was the troop leader along with several other moms.  Glenda was a sweet soul and a good friend then. We had such fun on the scout trips to Ruidoso to cookout and explore.  We, too, grew apart as we grew older...I guess because she must have moved from the "South Junior High" area to the northern part of town. Rest in peace, my old friend.  Heaven has welcomed a sweet soul.

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