Edwin "Dusty" Huckabee

Edwin Dusty Huckabee

It is with deep sadness that we report EDWIN "DUSTY" HUCKABEE, Mr. Roswell Supporter and GHS Class of 1966 graduate, passed away this past Friday, 15 May 2021. As soon as an obituary is available, we will publish it.

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05/17/21 09:55 AM #7    

MaryLou Wilson

Dusty and Skeet Burns and I were driving up Missouri one evening and he attempted to show me how you could reflect light on the person  behind you by reflecting their headlights onto them from our mirror! I don't think it ever worked but we laughed loudly all the time. I also had the fortunate opportunity to sit with Dusty and Heidi at breakfast one morning a couple of months ago. What a pleasure to see his smile and get to know Heidi. Thank you, Heidi, for the care and love you gave this beautiful person. 

05/17/21 11:46 AM #8    

Linda Kay Maxwell (Vandewart)

I have known Dusty since junior high school. He will be terribly missed at our "breakfast table" at Martin's Capitol Cafe. He loved  going to the reunions and often asked me when the next one would be.  He is now having breakfast with Jesus. Rest in heavenly peace dear friend. 

05/17/21 11:57 AM #9    

Doris Flood (Burton)

Dusty took me on my first date! Well, kinda!! Our parents enrolled us in Mrs. McEvoy's ballroom dancing class (I think we were in the 5th or 6th grade.) Dusty was my "assigned" dancing partner. We all struggled to learn how to waltz, samba, and do all the ballroom dances of the day. Dance partners still touched and held one another at that time. Free style dancing came shortly thereafter. Dusty was such fun. When the classes came to an end, there was a formal dance at the Woman's Club. Dusty arrived in his white coat with black bow tie and black dress pants. He looked very handsome! I had on my first poofy strapless blue net formal. We had dance cards at the "ball". Quite a night!!  I also remember we liked one another, and he would ride his bike or walk down to my house to visit. One particular day, Dusty was giving me a hard time and was kidding me about something. I grabbed his hand and twisted it and flipped him over so he landed on his back. It knocked the wind out of him, and he looked up at me with a shocked expression. I felt so bad. I had never done that to anyone before. He regained his breath, apologized and headed home. That was that. Rest well, my friend. You and your smile will be sorely missed.

05/18/21 12:45 PM #10    

Linda Lee Henry (Crowder)

I'm so sorry to hear about Dusty's passing! He was a classmate of mine for many years but I haven't seen him in a long long time! I've heard so many great things about him on our reunion site and all he did for Roswell. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and family.

05/19/21 12:53 PM #11    

R. E. Herky Veatch

Ahhh Dusty,

What a guy, he would give you the shirt off his back and crack a joke about it. I don't think I ever met anyone that did not love the guy. He will be missed here on earth; however he is voluntering for any duty God has planned for him in Heaven. Love you Dusty!!!

05/19/21 03:13 PM #12    

Walton Taylor "Wally" Reynolds

So sorry to hear this. He was a classmate of mine  RIP Dusty

05/20/21 05:45 PM #13    

Robin E. Lostetter

What a loss to the class and to Roswell.  So many memories!  Dusty was one in a million!  RIP

05/21/21 11:12 AM #14    

Dennis R. Hunter

Dusty lived just around the corner from where I lived and I can't post most of the "things" that we did together for fear of the speech police telling me to take those things down ... HA!  He and I had lots of laughs, lots of "time outs" and of course great memories of Roswell.  While I didn't keep in touch with many of my classmates, its time maybe I do as we are getting OLDER and those of still left need to get together (reunion coming up) and have more thought of our times together and things we did (accomplishments) and of course the road of life that we have made for ourselves (kids, grand kids, great grand kids, etc.).

Anyway, Dusty as has been said many times, thanks for the memories and hope you are enjoying getting together with those you love and those classmates that you will meet once again in Heaven!  God loves you and those of us that want to remember the good times can talk about them once again or as we sit in a good chair with a beer/wine or drink of our selection and just laugh to ourselves about a great memory of YOU!

05/22/21 06:37 AM #15    

Berry Cottrell Ives

I didn't know Dusty well at Goddard, but it was impossible not to be aware of him.  One funny memory was his panel truck that he drove to school.  It had LAGNAF written in huge letters across the side.  I can't repeat here what that acronym stood for (!), but I expect many of you will recall.  I knew he was a big skier, on the ski patrol at Sierra Blanca.  I heard about skinny dipping parties. I did get to know him at our 40th (?) reunion, and he told me about his doing time at the State Penn as a young man.  He was fun to talk with.  I was impressed with his surmounting that and going on to head up the Main Street program in Roswell.  RIP.

05/22/21 03:55 PM #16    

Marilyn Miller (Michael)

I don't remember a time when I didn't know Dusty. Yes, he was funny, adventuresome, and at times pretty crazy.   My best memories, though, were of Dusty taking Eddie Thielking EVERYWHERE during our Junior year.  He wanted Eddie to share in every activity he could during the time he had, so he took him up to watch his friends ski, to play practice to watch us miss our lines, to basketball games, etc.  He was the best friend a person could ask for.  I'm sure they're in heaven now laughing and having a beer or two just waiting for the rest of us to get there for the party.  And if Dusty throws it, it will be SOME party.  

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