Goddard & Roswell High Schools - Roswell, NM
Class of 1966
Berry Cottrell Ives

Residing In: | Albuquerque, NM USA |
Children: | Zach, born 1973. |
Two, ages 10 and 12.
GHS 66
Berry Cottrell's Latest Interactions
Happy birthday, Linda, with fond memories!
Happy birthday, Les! I hope you have a good day, perhaps including a great New Mexican meal at a favorite restaurant.
Happy birthday, Jim! Will you stay in Portland when you retire? Dwight moved from Portland to his getaway near Sisters several years after retiring.
Posted on: Jun 16, 2022 at 6:41 AM
Happy birthday for real this time, Nettie! That previous post was my careless reading of the one week from today notice.
Happy birth-yester-day!
Happy 74th, Les, a day late!
Posted on: Jan 11, 2022 at 7:43 AM
Happy birthday, David! I remember delivering the Roswell Daily Record to your home on my first paper route, when I was 12.
Debbie, I am alive and doing well. I guess you meant to say Harry?
I just reread that dialogue between Jim Sanders and me. It brings back such vivid memories for me of Larry, especially when we were both stationed in Mauritius. We worked out at a gym, scuba dived with a diving club, snorkeled, drank, and smoked hashish walking down the beach in front of our bungalow, the sun setting over the Indian Ocean. Old memories, I encountered Larry again in the 80s after many years when we both lived in ABQ. He was doing roofing. He was mentally ill and paranoic. He knew I was into photography and he trusted me and wanted me to tell him whether there was some way to see around a corner in a photograph he showed me, because he thought there was something he needed to see there to make some legal case or something. I simply told him it couldn't be done. I found it stressful talking with him when he dropped by. Now its 35 years later, and I'm thinking about him while swilling red wine and whiskey. Marcum may ask again what's the point, where is this going? Well, it simply is, and it's going nowhere.
Happy birthday, Gil!
Posted on: Jun 16, 2021 at 6:09 AM
Happy birthday,Nettie! I hope you’re doing well.
I didn't know Dusty well at Goddard, but it was impossible not to be aware of him. One funny memory was his panel truck that he drove to school. It had LAGNAF written in huge letters across the side. I can't repeat here what that acronym stood for (!), but I expect many of you will recall. I knew he was a big skier, on the ski patrol at Sierra Blanca. I heard about skinny dipping parties. I did get to know him at our 40th (?) reunion, and he told me about his doing time at the State Penn as a young man. He was fun to talk with. I was impressed with his surmounting that and going on to head up the Main Street program in Roswell. RIP.
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