Goddard & Roswell High Schools - Roswell, NM
Class of 1966
Richard Marcum
Residing In: | Hickory Creek, TX USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Johnene |
Homepage: |
www.RickMarcumAuthor.com |
Occupation: | Author & retired |
Children: | Dan born in 1973, Megan born in 1977, Lindsay born in 1981 |
I recently retired after 26 years as an Executive Director of a regional economic development agency. I have been in this business in Florida and New Mexico. I was the Executive Director of the Northern New Mexico Regional Development Corporation, headquartered in Santa Fe.
I was the son of a losing football coach thus I went to 3 different high schools, beginning in a very small West Texas town named Grandfalls. From there we moved to Odessa, Texas where I went to school at Odessa Permian High School, and the year after that we moved to Roswell where I graduated from Roswell High School along with all you wonderful folk.
Mac, age 22
Morgan, age 15
Luci, age 11,
Drew, age 5
Jordan, age 3
RHS 66
Richard's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Mar 07, 2021 at 8:29 PM
Actually South Africa is the best local EVER, but outside of that, the next place I plan to see, comes in second place. The good thing about Rosarito, Mexico is that it is an hour away from the San Diego Airport...thus we can go east or west with the same cost and the same time. But let me say, there is much to see in Baja Mexico. I once had a dive operation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and that is where I took many of my SCUBA students from Dallas. And then this one time, I had this student come, Johnene, and I realized that I could not live one more day without her by my side...and we have been together for over 32 years now.
Posted on: Mar 07, 2021 at 8:22 PM
Not really. There are developments inland that living on your retirement might be possible, but not on the ocean front. And that is why I am moving there. Actually, it is my CPA wife that has all her clients virtually that makes our move possible. Oceanfront is never cheap!!!
Posted on: May 13, 2020 at 1:36 PM
Smitty!!! Wow, haven't heard from you in quite awhile. It is good to know you are doing well. Regarding the loosing football line that you identified, I am still paying for playing such a damn dumb game. In paying, I mean it literally, as I had to go in TODAY to get my quarterly shot of steroids into my neck, where three vertebrae are damaged and there is not cartilage to stop them from pinching on each other and any thing else in my neck. But I AM still alive. Thanks for the compliment on WTC. Recently, I have been working on the first year of a two year, web streaming series. They have matched me up with a very seasoned screenwriter, who an agent is touting that we should co-write the scripts. The status is I go first, then he fixes everything that is wrong...which I am sure there is plenty.
Posted on: Oct 24, 2018 at 9:12 PM
This was my house seven months ago when I was considering selling it.
Posted on: Oct 24, 2018 at 8:57 PM
I also had some dealings with hurricane Michael. I took these two videos yesterday outside my house (officially totaled). Thus we will be moving back to Dallas until the house is rebuilt ( 9 - 12 months from now. BUT WE ARE ALIVE!
Warner Bros. object to my use of the background music,( which I did pay for), but I just changed the music and resubmitted.
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