Margaret Elizabeth Nichols (Kuenzler)

Margaret Elizabeth Nichols (Kuenzler)

MARGARET ELIZABETH NICHOLS KUENZLER, 72, of Carlsbad, NM, passed away Saturday, January 11, 2020 at her home.  Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at Carlsbad Cemetery (old section).  Rex Holt of Clovis, NM will officiate, assisted by Kevin Pence, Associate Pastor of First Baptist Church of Carlsbad. There is no visitation scheduled.

COMMENTARY: A graduate of Goddard High School (Class of 1966), Margaret was active and involved in school activities. Perhaps her best friend in high school was Brenda Barnett but showed her friendship to all classmates at reunions over the years. She became very close to Michaele Austin Kelly the last few years and Michaele was one of two people who Margaret communicated with towards the end. Despite her severe neurological disorder, she was still caring for her husband who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's desease. Margaret was involved in conservative politics in her adult life (long before the current situation in politics appeared) and was involved in changing New Mexico laws having drive-up windows at package stores. Margaret and husband, Billy, lived most of their adult life in Gallup, New Mexico before moving to Carlsbad a decade or so ago. Margaret had amazing memory and seemed to always remember if you had a class with her and where your desk was from hers. Margaret use to talk about once having a medical situation in Phoenix where she knew no one, and classmate Peggy Ware Koger came to her aid and kept her company in the hospital.  Margaret also met several other classmates in Las Vegas to see John Leslie Wolfe as he performed in The Phantom of the Opera. Margaret was well loved by her classmates and will be missed dearly. Rest in Peace, dear friend. You lived a good life and had a strong Christian faith.



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01/15/20 04:36 PM #9    

Karen Sue Harrington (Ream)

Margaret and Michaele asked me to go on a cruise with them in 2015... I had been taking care of my Mom for many years, so I jumped at the chance to get away for a few days...we were having a great time sharing our memories of high school, adult years, having our grands, our faith walk, and taking care of our Moms... she was caring for her Mom  and so was I.... then on the second morning at sea Bob called and said my Mom had passed.....Margaret was so helpful as I gathered my stuff and was comforting me  until I could get off at Key West Margaret and Michaele will forever have a special place in my heart.....Margaret was strong in her faith and shared her Sunday School lessons that she had prepared on Facebook....,. Margaret, Brenda, Michaele and I met up in Granbury, Tx for a girls weekend .... Margaret was so much fun....we laughed as we shared many of our life experiences.... Margaret loved Her Savior, family and fiends with all her heart!!! Love you Margaret,  ...Until we meet again!!!

01/24/20 12:42 PM #10    

Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)

I will try this I have tried several times to post.

Margaret was such a special person to me as well. She and I shared a great friendship with Jaynie Haley Wilis and Michealle Austin Kelly. Margaret was one of the purest spiritual person's I have known. There were so many years and times that her health was challenged but she would have not wanted you to be concerned for her in that way. Margaret just loved life itself and her personality reflected that. The doors of Heaven, I just know opened wide when they brought her home. Rest in the loving arms of our Saviour dear friend.

03/02/20 12:27 PM #11    

Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)

Last week I had a super visit from Micheale Austin Kelly and her cousin, Phyllis. From this visit I learned that Margaret's husband, Billy passed 20 days after Margaret's passing. I am sending my prayers up to her family for their double loss. Margaret and Billy have 2 sons.

03/16/20 07:44 PM #12    

Barbara Dell Buzbee (Thompson)

I read this again. I love Margaret. She is a jewel. A heart of gold. A servant heart. I am reflecting today. Thinking of her brings peace and courage. She certainly had her share of it. Rest Sweet Friend. You are well deserving. 

05/03/20 06:06 AM #13    

Warren Monroe

Called her "Sis" in later years. Always positive. Sent me cards for birthday, Christmas for years.  Had a date with her to drive in.  Beach part blanket was the show. Saw the whole movie because I was so shy and respectful!!!  I miss her!

06/12/20 11:28 PM #14    

Dorothy "Tiny" Dunlap (Moran)

I am so sorry I have not kept in touch with this web site and I had no idea Margaret had passed. what a sweet and beautiful person. it breaks my heart. rest in peace my friend. Love you girl.


11/16/20 07:14 PM #15    

James A "Jim" White

Margaret, you were always a bubble of enthusiasm and freshness. I enjoyed the dates we went on in high school, although you were taking one for the team as your best friend, Brenda Barnett, liked one of my best friends, Jim Head, so that threw us together for double dating. I still think fondly of your and Carol Norman's approach to Kathy and me at the 10-year reunion. I was fortunate to be the 2nd to last classmate you spoke with before your passing. Michaele was always your best friend and that is okay with me. I know you and Shirley Tyner Box was kicking it up in Heaven. You were a cherished friend to me and I will miss you terribly.

This is you at our 30-year reunion and how I will always remember you and your smile.

Back Stage at the Las Vegas Phantom of the Opera that John Leslie Wolfe performed in.

11/18/20 08:35 AM #16    

Michaele Austin (Kelly)

The world is a little less shiny without Margaret. She was such a bright sunshiny personality and when she was nearby, her presence was definitely felt. I feel so blessed to have been considered her friend. We had so many wonderful good times together whether we were cruising or just visiting each other.

Her memory was remarkable! We’d get out our annuals and she’d go person by person and tell me a little history (past and present) about nearly everybody. How she remembered all that just amazed me.

The last several months of her life were very trying for her and she was so ready to go to her Glory Land to spend eternity with her Lord. She has such an unshakable faith. 

Her passing has left such a hole in our lives. Our husbands had become friends and their absence will always be felt.

I loved her dearly and am so proud to have been included in her life and considered her friend.

11/20/20 10:57 AM #17    

Margaret W. "Peggy" Ware (Koger)

Micheale, you described her perfectly!  She was just an Angel on Earth. I think of her often❤️❤️❤️❤️

11/22/20 04:08 PM #18    

Laura Anne Knight (Atkins)

I didn't know Margaret well but it makes me sad that she passed away. We are losing too many classmates. I guess that comes with getting older, even though I like to deny that we are. Rest in peace dear Margaret.

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