I am always so sad when I see that a classmate has passed, especially if it was sudden or if they fought a prolonged illness. As Bill mentioned, sometimes we only find out when we attended that reunion. That happened to me when I attended the 30th year class reunion, when I learned Sharron Clark Long had passed after fighting a battle with cancer. It just brought back such a flood of memories, and I had to step away to process the sadness I was feeling.
Sorry the text is coming out this way, for some reason the style wouldnt let me change the style...so, I just gave up with messing with it. You know, how somedays.....particularly, Monday's for me, is the day I would like to erase or re-name in the days of the week !!
Anyway, this is the space where we are to comment about Ms. Carolyn Teadrow. I have/had thought about her many times over the years. When I got re-connected with another one of her friends, the female Bobbye Jean Allison, I had asked Bobbye if she remembered Carolyn. She said, "Of course." She didn't know what became of her either, so our memories for her were just hanging out there in the remembering zone.
Carolyn, Bobbye Jean and I attended that little white church in our neighborhood, Immanual Baptist Church. We were there faithfully every Sunday. We came to Wednesday night Bible study. We came to Thursday night meeting/knocking on neighborhood doors and inviting folks to come visit our church. We were there for revivals, which when we had a revival you committed to being there every night for about two weeks!! We were there for vacation Bible schools. We were there on EVERY Sat. night of Youth group's goings-on. And, why did we go so darn much, you might say. There were several of us who had very distressed home lives. There were several of us who couldnt date, BUT we figured out if we went to church, we could see the boy we were interested in seeing!! So, Carolyn, like me, did not have happy home lives. Both of our father's drank obsessively. Carolyn's father, however was a mail man. I will never forget her father. I dont think he missed a day of work ever! He was always so kind to us when he delivered the mail. I also remember that when he came on hard times, he would bring his paintings around and he would sell them. He was a very talented painter, or at least he seemed so to me. So, as a result of our turbulant home life, we rarely invited anyone to our homes. We kept a social life in our little church. Carolyn was incrdibly shy but she loved to laugh. So, Bobbye Jean and I were often finding ways to keep her laughing. She was such a beautiful person and I am proud that she was one of my friends. Bless her and may she rest in the arms of our Lord.
Carolyn lived along my way to school - I don't know that we "carpooled," my memory isn't that detailed. But we often picked her up on our way, and certain conversations around age 12-13 stand out in my memory. She was a very sweet and kind girl. I hope she had a happy life -- one filled with occasions of satisfaction and surrounded by friends. R.I.P.
Pamala Ann "Pam" Liston (Ricks)
Exactly. Sorry we could not make it.
Mardi Gonyea (Nicklin)
I am always so sad when I see that a classmate has passed, especially if it was sudden or if they fought a prolonged illness. As Bill mentioned, sometimes we only find out when we attended that reunion. That happened to me when I attended the 30th year class reunion, when I learned Sharron Clark Long had passed after fighting a battle with cancer. It just brought back such a flood of memories, and I had to step away to process the sadness I was feeling.
Margaret Elizabeth Nichols (Kuenzler)
Carolyn was so sweet and very shy. Always a smile on her face. Margaret
Robin E. Lostetter
Carolyn lived along my way to school - I don't know that we "carpooled," my memory isn't that detailed. But we often picked her up on our way, and certain conversations around age 12-13 stand out in my memory. She was a very sweet and kind girl. I hope she had a happy life -- one filled with occasions of satisfaction and surrounded by friends. R.I.P.